Fast & Focused Transformation
The mind is one of the most powerful allies in your own transformation. Perhaps you've already discovered that everywhere your mind goes, your reality inevitably follows...
In fact, the Unconscious Mind controls at least 90% of everything we do.
If you feel like you've tried it all, but are still struggling with negative emotions, thoughts or behaviors, it's most likely due to unconscious programs running in the background of your life.
The good news?
If you can change your mind, you can change your life!
People who have spent years struggling with the same problems have quickly and easily overcome deeply-rooted patterns—such as self-sabotage, trauma, phobias, allergies, smoking, or symptoms of PTSD and anxiety—that many claim take years to heal. Individuals in such situations tend to do best with a professional who can assist in facilitating this multi-layered process, which involves identifying subconscious memories, beliefs and patterns of which they are not consciously aware. This will change the way you experience your thoughts, emotions, behaviors and relationships, allowing you to design your life in a whole new way—according to your desires, NOT your old subconscious defaults.
I invite you to Schedule a Session, book a Complimentary 30-min Consultation, or send me a message via the Contact Page. You'll hear back within 24 hours to set up a time to discuss your most pressing goals and concerns. Once you have your initial consultation, we can identify the most suitable options to get you moving in the right direction. There are a variety of packages available to serve your lifestyle needs and goals.
Heal with the Power of the Unconscious Mind
Karyn's interview titled "Healing with the Power of the Unconscious Mind" is part of the Evolved Empath Summit, a free online event featuring how to turn your empathic gifts into your greatest strength. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All Rights Reserved.
Free Breakthrough Masterclass
Want to learn more about how NLP creates fast and lasting change?
Check out my Free Breakthrough Masterclass. This resource includes a 30-minute video training that demonstrates what NLP is and why releasing negative emotions/limiting beliefs is essential to achieving your desired outcomes in any area of life.
Highlights Include:
What your toughest triggers are telling you
Where limiting beliefs come from and how to release them
The ONE key ingredient to achieving your desired results
How NLP compares to other therapies
How quickly and easily you can achieve your own Breakthrough - without rehashing painful past events
The Breakthrough Intensive
an Accelerated VIP Experience
Imagine what it would be like to accomplish in as little as 8 hours, what would normally take 6+ months of coaching to attain...
The Breakthrough Intensive is ideal for individuals who want fast results without sacrificing quality. This is a start-to-finish complete transformation delivered in as little as 8 hours, over a series of at least 3 sessions.
This is NOT a course or a program. Rather, it is a focused "do-with" 26-step VIP process. Karyn facilitates step-by-step, so you can experience the accelerated deep healing and transformation you deserve.
This system has delivered BIG results in the form of new businesses, new relationships, healed relationships, new homes, improved mental and physical health, more money, and the list goes on...!
This is a PROVEN methodology for shifting your internal world FIRST, so your external world (the life of your choosing and the stuff you really want) actually reflects that!
Individual Sessions
There are a variety of packages available to serve your lifestyle needs and goals. Sessions take place via Zoom video conferencing for both domestic and international clients over the age of 18.
I invite you to Book a Free Consultation, or if you're ready to get started now, click to Schedule Your Session.
Q & A
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. In short, it is the study of success and results. In NLP, we use language patterns and the senses to tap into the unconscious mind. This enables us to RESTRUCTURE the programs we run in our minds and achieve desired outcomes.
NLP helps people who "have tried it all"
People who have spent years struggling with the same problems have quickly and easily overcome deeply-rooted patterns—such as self-criticism, self-sabotage, trauma, phobias, allergies, unhealthy habits, symptoms of PTSD/anxiety, and more—that many claim take years to heal. People in such situations tend to do best with a professional who can assist in facilitating their multi-layered process, which involves identifying subconscious memories, beliefs, and patterns of which they are not fully aware.
NLP is ideal for anyone wanting to experience more alignment and ease in their lives but are stuck in their heads. It is for individuals who know their lives are a reflection of their own energy, and are willing to invest their time and energy in new ways to get a new outcome. If you know there is something holding you back, but aren't sure what it is, NLP will help you resolve it.
NLP sessions are not for people who want to sit back and be right about things not working for them. Transformation takes a desire for change and the willingness to think/feel/do things differently. If you're not willing to make your transformation a priority, this is not for you.
What makes NLP different from any service you've ever tried is...
#1 SPECIFIC PROVEN PROCESSES TO RELEASE AND REPROGRAM YOUR STRUGGLES. In these sessions, we will focus on the most important 95% FIRST, which is hands-down the Subconscious RELEASE WORK. With my NLP and Hypnotherapy background, I facilitate PROVEN processes, so you can experience real results you can SEE and FEEL. These are the same tried-and-true processes that have obtained life-changing results for my clients.
#2 YOUR MIND AND ENERGY ARE THE MOST POWERFUL AGENTS OF CHANGE. The things that keep you from where you want to go are usually not what you think. If you have been pushing yourself to take action and try more STUFF, by now you realize that doesn't bring the results you actually want.
So... what is it that separates those who succeed from those who ultimately give up and give in? They have acquired the AWARENESS of how to make CONSCIOUS what was once UNCONSCIOUS. I don't just facilitate proven processes, I also give you an experience of creating the deep internal shifts that produce real results. And these can show up in a multitude of fantastic ways. Manifesting external results is simply a BYPRODUCT of the deeper changes you make.
Speaking from my own experience, as well as working with clients and witnessing their transformations, there are internal results that you can experience rapidly, such as clarity, confidence, peace, and lightness of being! All of which heightens your alignment to what you want in life.
The "external" results you experience are up to YOU and what you desire. When my clients let go of what was holding them back, they began to operate from POSSIBILITY and CREATIVITY, not their circumstances or history. These changes occurred quickly and easily after between 1-3 session:
I ask that you come with a beginner's mind and an idea of what your next-level outcome might be. I will ask you brief, focused questions to assess what will be most beneficial during your session and get your agreement to move forward.
First of all, if you're busy, you don't have time to waste continuing to do what hasn't been working for you!
That being said, you have an entire year from the date of purchase to use your sessions. Some clients allow themselves extra time to book their session(s) due to illness, a day job, being busy parents, etc. But make sure to prioritize yourself and follow through on what's important to YOU! Ultimately, you have the freedom to go at the right pace for you and get the transformation you came for.
My most effective NLP processes don't discriminate! They don't care if you're a "newbie" or a seasoned pro. They just work. I find that people new to NLP tend to pleasantly surprise themselves! So that means, if you ARE just starting out, these processes will transform your relationship with your unconscious mind. And if you're the most seasoned pro, you can step into even higher levels! Remember, you're manifesting ALL THE TIME. If you've been manifesting the same results (that you're not happy with), NLP helps you powerfully utilize your mind and energy WITH INTENTION, so you can reach your next level.
My business is primarily built on referrals, which I appreciate so much!! However, please have a conversation with your loved one before purchasing a session on their behalf, as they may not be ready or the right fit. The best results occur when the client is a proactive, willing participant in their own healing process. If your loved one is ready, and you'd like to gift them a session package, go for it!
Sessions take place via Zoom video conferencing for both domestic and international clients over the age of 18. Once you complete your purchase, you will immediately receive a confirmation email with a link to book your appointment, as well as any pertinent information regarding your upcoming session(s). Time zones are automatically converted in the scheduling app.
Client Experiences
I started working with Karyn because I was tired of carrying extra weight and yo-yo dieting.
The Breakthrough Intensive process not only shifted the way I thought and felt about myself and my actions, but it also changed my daily actions for the positive.
Now I respect myself more and see greater potential than ever before. I have adopted new permanent habits and set up boundaries that help me thrive.
Eliminating unwanted habits was a profound experience. I also really enjoyed the emotional release.
Karyn is a true delight to work with. She works quietly and efficiently, which I appreciate. She has a real professional talent for understanding exactly what individuals need and far exceeded my expectations!
Jennifer Buckley-Lizzardi
Dental Hygienist
I started working with Karyn at a very low point in my life. I had been struggling with debilitating Panic and Anxiety for over 3 years (so bad that I could not be alone or drive). Before meeting Karyn, I tried everything, and nothing seemed to work to get me past it all.
In doing the Breakthrough Intensive with Karyn, I began to IMMEDIATELY see a change in me... after just the first appointment! I trusted Karyn wholeheartedly through the process that she knew what I needed, and I will be forever grateful to her.
On the other side of my Breakthrough, I can honestly say that now I have ZERO Panic and ZERO Anxiety. I am currently getting off anti-anxiety medication, something I never thought would be possible given how hard my journey had been. I feel free and empowered now that I have broken past what was blocking me. Karyn is just so amazing!
Andrea Spencer
My Breakthrough session allowed me to release the belief that I had to work hard to make money.
I've learned to have a relationship with money, and really keep in touch with my money inflow and outflow. I'm really good at relationships, so understanding that I can cultivate a positive relationship with money was an incredible shift for me! I learned I could work less and make MORE money!
I love Karyn's unique combination of practical exercises and energetic support! I'm walking away with powerful tools that I can continue to practice in my life. 1-on-1 coaching with Karyn was well worth the investment! I walked away with strategies tailored to MY life and MY business and got out of the stuck place I was in!
Deanne Barret
Parent Coach
I was feeling stuck, held back by limiting beliefs that felt hard to clear and pin down. I knew where I wanted to go, but I had trouble taking action. There was something bigger underneath that I needed to address to move forward with my business. I wanted to remove that stalled feeling, the invisible wall that I kept hitting every time I wanted to take action on my business. I was ready to feel more confident in selling my services and talking about what I do on video.
I had big plans and I could see myself getting there, but taking the steps forward felt like wading through a field of mud to get to the other side. There were a lot of hidden feelings around not being good enough, but I would not have uncovered that on my own. There were so many layers to peel back and separate issues that, together, showed that old pattern.
Several things surprised me, most of which were related to how quickly the sessions worked! After the first session, I felt lighter, more joyful, more confident, less worried about what other people thought of me. Even before we completed our final session, I was receiving new opportunities and connections for my business. My energy had changed that quickly and the Universe was responding to that positive change.
Laura Young
Fashion Blogger & Personal Stylist
I had a really bad fear of heights, where I would literally freeze in a situation that required me to climb up or jump, like cliff jumping, for example. I'm a really outdoorsy person that loves adventure and challenge, so it was always tough for me to get stuck in situations where I couldn't keep going because of my fear of heights.
I did one 90-minute session with Karyn about 6 months ago, and I just took a trip to Costa Rica that made me face my fear of heights. I had to jump off a cliff into a river from about 15 feet high. I couldn't believe it. When the moment came, I just went for it, and I didn't freeze or even feel the shaking in my legs I used to feel. I just jumped and didn't have an overwhelming sense of fear, which was really new to me. I couldn't believe it!
I've faced a couple of situations where I had to overcome my fear of heights, and it hasn't been a problem since working with Karyn. I am so happy! So why not give it a try? What if it could be the thing that unblocks something in you? You'll never know unless you try. I did, and I am truly happy I did, because now I know that the brain is so powerful. With the right guidance, you can work on yourself and free some blocks that you might not be able to do on your own.
Sophie Blondin
Actress and Personal Trainer
Karyn helped me land my dream job, and increase my income by 75%!
Karyn has helped me blast past a few of my limiting beliefs, which I was not aware I had till I heard them from her in the course. I have taken several courses in the past, but one thing that stood out in Karyn's work was that for everything she taught, she gave practical ways to practice those lessons. When I look back, those practical tips shared verbally or in written material really helped me change my limiting beliefs.
I had no idea that one of the reasons I was not growing past a particular amount in my career was because I had a limited belief that I could not earn more than my best friend, who I thought was much more intelligent than me. I had been locked at slightly below him for 5 years, and within two weeks of Karyn making me aware of it, I blasted past it and accepted an offer at 73% beyond the level I had been at since 2016.
Vjay Mohanthy
Principal Consultant
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